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Eclipse of the Hearts


Love Travels Faster Than Light


Dark Forest Faerie


Snowflakes Ballet


Freud and the Cigar-Shaped Asteroid

War and Peace

American Scream

End War

The Single Bullet Blues Band T-Shirt
Oswald Ruby Blues Band T-Shirt

George Orwell - from Animal Farm

Swarm of Drones

No Drones
American Pi Day 3.14.15 9:26:53


Finger Sniper

A Game of Dice
Stephen Hawking Time Travel T-Shirt

Matthew 19:24

Quantum Bubblegum

Orion and the Eye of Horus

Michelangelo and the Orion Nebula

Wrights and Wrongs

Rights and Wrongs

Christmas Continuum (A parody)

Shovel Off to Buffalo

Ivory Ghost


Party Like It's 1347 T-Shirt, Tote Bag
Ring Around the Rosy T-Shirt, Tote

Quantum Cat T-Shirt

Edgar Allan Poe and The Raven

The Wire King - Stay Focused T-Shirt

The Stand

Lizzie Borden


Goddess of Stonehenge

Armed and Dangerous

The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Scion of Orion The Hunter

Elements of Money

Hey You, Get Off of My Cloud

Scotland Independence

A Paraphrase of Shakespeare

Freedom Tower and Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge and Freedom Tower

911 Was an Inside Job

Remember 911

Solid Rock - Mt. Rushmore (T-Shirt Only)

9/11 13th Anniversary

About Vaccines

Have a Cigar

Nancy Pelosi quote on illegal immigration

Border Control

Orwell - Revolutionary Act

Starry Nightmare

George Orwell - 1984

Domestic Tortoises
Edvard Munch The Scream

Edward Snowden Quote

Common Core School

Homeland Security Since 1492

We Know What You'll Do This Summer

On Siesta Beach - Tees and Stickers

Molon Labe

Don't Mess With Bill

Rand Paul Liberty Speech

I Support Cliven Bundy

One if by Land, Two if by Metadata

NSA Smartphone

Alienable Freedom

Alienable Liberty

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Sex

Free Liberty

Imagine John Lennon

John Lennon - IMAGINE

Mission to Elevate and Save Humanity

Oswald Ruby Blues Band

JFK on Secrecy Quote

The best road to progress is freedom..

NSA - Don't Call Us

NSA - Finally A Government That Listens



The Harbinger

Isaiah 9:10
The Scream U.S.A.


The Scream USA #2

Starry Scream - Munch & Van Gogh #2
Scream - Munch meets Van Gogh
No GMO Crop Circle on a Van Gogh


Starry Night Time on a Van Gogh

Van Gogh - No GMO

Tic Tac Sky

NO GMO Crop Circle 2
| #2